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Amy Mateo

Yoga therapist Amy Mateo based in Bournemouth has been practicing yoga for over 20 years and teaching for 7. 

Yoga is my coping mechanism for life! Without it I feel moody, impatient and stressed. I joke that I get on my mat nasty, and leave nice! 

My practice has also got me through some of the most intense experiences from grief and loss to pregnancy and childbirth and all the serious life stuff in between. So I love the practice and philosophy with all my heart, and how the ongoing teachings help keep me sane. Well, saner! Through fostering a deeper connection to my body Yoga also helps me feel radically better and freer physically and encourages me to make more informed healthier choices. Yoga is empowering and can be life changing. 

I love working intuitively, adapting and shaping the practice to meet the unique needs of any student I’m privileged to guide, in a down-to-earth and easily accessible way so they feel at ease and encouraged to practice, and get to enjoy the benefits that await them. 

Workshop 1

Create your reality

We are the creators of our reality so let’s connect with the creative magic within! This fun and playful physical yoga practice with mantra and chanting will work to open our hearts and voices, lift our spirits and get us smiling. Get unstuck and let the energy flow! 

If you’re feeling a bit serious, sulky or antisocial – get in here! 

90 mins 

Workshop 2

Go with the flow!

This yoga practice will work with the element of water exploring postures and movement to stimulate the energetic channels of the kidneys and bladder! With improved functioning in these organs we can embody the ‘go with the flow’ quality of water and the ability to be more adaptable and easy going. 

This is the place for you if you feel stiff, have an achy back or tight hips and hamstrings. 

Contact Info

FB: Sounds Like Yoga group

Insta: @amymateo

Mobile: 07855 587546