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Bob Hillary

Bob Ananias Hillary

Bob is a passionate Shamanic Healer, Conscious DJ, workshop leader, musician & author and has been on the healing path for the last 16 years. He has been trained in Shamanism, Permaculture, dance facilitation, music & Men’s Work.  He is a keen believer in the need for deep change in the world right now and has a particular interest in helping people to Ground, heal & empower themselves and for helping adults & children to re-connect with the power & beauty of Mother Nature. Bob runs ‘Earthdance’ Shamanic healing dance workshops Internationally and plays concerts around the World.  He has released 4 Albums of his own music.

Workshop 1

5 Rythms Empowerment Healing Dance (For adults & kids – all welcome)

I offer an hour-long facilitated Healing Dance journey…. with great uplifting Tribal grooves & heart felt world music – for you to dance your worries out to, unwind your mind, step into your joy & dance back into your authentic & empowered true self.

Joyful. Grounding. Held. Safe. FUNKY!! 

Contact Info


Insta: @bobhillarymusic