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Elena KH

Elena Kafanova

I have been practising yoga since 1997 and Ashtanga yoga since 2014. I try to travel regularly to the homeland of Ashtanga yoga in the city of Mysore, India, to study with the keeper of the Ashtanga yoga tradition, Sharath Jois and I teach the method in its traditional pure form, as it is still practiced in India today. I continue to be amazed by the beauty, logic and thoughtfulness of the method, its ability to adapt to any body and condition. Since moving to Poole 5 years ago, it has been a great joy and privilege to share my experience and knowledge with my students in order to help improve their quality of life and health.

Workshop 1

Ashtanga yoga

Ashtanga yoga is one of the most powerful and effective hatha yoga systems known today. The peculiarity of Ashtanga yoga is that each time the same sequence of asanas is performed, we come to see how the previous asana (body position) prepares us for the next one. At first glance, the lack of variety in asanas may seem boring, but in fact this is the uniqueness of the method: through the same sequence, we discover how different the practice is from one day to the next. It really is different every day, and yet it’s still the same!

The workshop will consist of an introduction to the first series of Ashtanga yoga, called yoga-chikitsa, which means “yoga therapy” in Sanskrit. It helps to heal the body, make it strong, flexible and resilient, and also solve therapeutic problems of the musculoskeletal system. 

Workshop 2

Yoga Padachikitsa (for adults)
Sadhu nails practice is a practice developed by Indian Sadhus. It’s a powerful tool to get to the root of your pain and shift your reaction by surrendering to it.

There is also a physical aspect in that Chinese medicine states that there are reflexes on the bottom of the foot that are directly related to different parts and organs of our body. Acupressure stimulation of these points helps to align energy flows in these organs, helping them to function better

My nails workshop consists of the following parts:

1. Acquaintance with the practice, a short lecture about the benefits of the practice, about indications and contraindications.
2. Articular exercises with an emphasis on the feet.
3. Warm up with sun salutations.
4. Breathing techniques for relaxation and tuning to the upcoming practice.
5. Nail practice itself: people stand in a circle holding hands with each other and take turns standing on a block of nails under my guidance. Everyone holding hands provides support for each practitioner.
6. Shavasana, deep relaxation

Contact Info


Insta: @yogafanova