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Leo Rutherford

Leo Rutherford

Founder of Eagle’s Wing Centre for Contemporary shamanism, Shamanic Practitioner since 1987, MA Holistic Psychology. Author of — 

Principles of Shamanism.  First published by HarperCollins/Thorsons 1996, re-pub as Thorsons way of Shamanism 2011.  3rd edition pub Crescent Moon 2014

Shamanic Path Workbook.  First published as ‘Your Shamanic Path’ by Piatkus 2001. Present edition Arima Publishing 2007

The View through the Medicine wheel.  O-Books 2008

Spirituality versus Religion. CreateSpace2011

The Book of Games and Warm-ups for Group Leaders.  First published by Gale Centre pubs, 1994. Second edition Singing Dragon 2015

Workshop 1

Shamanic Journeys

The Shamanic Journey takes us inside while the body goes into rest mode. The monotonous beat of the drum enables an opening in our visionary centres. Travelling with intent enables our inner being/ inner spirit to give us pictures, senses and feelings to help understanding of life and its patterns.

This method takes participants on an ‘inner journey’ outside of normal perceptions of space/time. Ritual trance journeys have been a vital part of shamanic cultures for thousands of years.

Workshop 2

Teachings of the Medicine Wheel

The Medicine Wheel is a series of interlocking maps of life and shows us the forces that operate on us from all directions. The wheels are circles of power and knowledge, ways of understanding life and its cyclical and circular nature.
When we go somewhere new, the first thing we usually do is check a map to help in plotting our course. It is a map of the Universe.
But have you ever had a map of life? This is it!

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