Andrea Shakti Prem
Hi my name is Shakti Prem. I am a transpersonal therapist and empowering women coach with my own private practice and over 20 years experience . I enjoy sharing my wisdom with others.
I also teach heart yoga/meditation and am involved with the Heart of Living Yoga charity.
I am a holistic practitioner teaching Indian head and shoulder massage for friends and family, and also am a reiki therapist.
Workshop 1
Indian head and shoulder massage for friends and family
An invite to learn Indian head and shoulder massage for friends and family. We hold so much stress within our head, neck and shoulders. This workshop gives you time to surrender, and to de-stress. Please bring a chair, and a partner. {no children under 15 years}
Workshop 2
Heart Hatha Yoga
Shakti invites you to a playful yoga session with heart opening asanas, that helps deep emotional connection with yourself and others. Within this session you will tap into laughter and a playfulness that blends light-hearted movement with loving kindness and compassion, designed to open your heart and nurture a playful spirit (over 14’s only)
Contact Info
Mobile: 07904639880