Tracey Howes
Functional Breathwork Instructor & Freediver.
Tracey is an Advanced Oxygen Advantage Instructor having trained with leading breath expert and author Patrick McKeown, Founder of the Oxygen Advantage and Buteyko Clinic.
By incorporating science-based techniques into daily practice and training programs, Tracey’s clients have transformed their breathing habits to improve sleep quality, reduce anxiety and stress, train for marathons and prepare to swim The English Channel.
Tracey is particularly interested in how hormonal fluctuations affect women’s breathing and quality of life and is committed to sharing evidence-based research to empower her clients.
Tracey is also a certified freediver having competed at national level. Freediving is a form of underwater diving that relies on breath-holding until resurfacing rather than the use of breathing apparatus. This specialised training inspired Tracey to expand her knowledge of functional breathwork for improved health, wellbeing and performance.
Tracey teaches online and in-person, is a regular podcast guest and hosts classes and retreats locally.
Workshop 1
Breathwork For Nervous System Regulation & Sleep (for adults 18+)
Join Tracey for an introduction to functional breathing techniques including gentle diaphragmatic activation, short breath holds to balance the nervous system, simple yoga-style exercises to complement the practice, and guided meditation to conclude the session.
Learn how to measure your reactivity to stress, decongest the nose, improve sleep and performance, reduce anxiety and support the impact of hormonal fluctuations.
A relaxed session with a focus on self-awareness of body and breath. Suitable for all levels.
Workshop 2
Breathe, Move, Dance! (Teens welcome)
Join Tracey for an introduction to breathwork combined with gentle movement and uplifting dance paired with a mixed soundtrack of binaural beats, electronic dance and tribal overtones.
A journey of learning how to use the breath as a dynamic meditation with movement to release stress and tension and improve health and happiness. Expect slow, purposeful movement increasing to a more energetic expression.
Breathe, move, dance together and feel exhilarated as you develop self-awareness of body and breath with a soundtrack to match.
Contact Info
Web: www.bluebreathwork.co.uk
Insta: @bluebreathwork