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Victoria Smisiek

Victoria Smisek

There are a few practices in my life that I hold dear. At times these practices have helped me stay grounded or given me pleasure…at other times they’ve been a total gamechanger. Through mindfulness meditation I discovered yoga and through yoga I discovered Qoya. Through all of those practices I discovered myself, my true self…not the one I thought I was! It was there that I decided to finally turn my focus to another practice…that of writing, and earlier this year my first book was published. My passion is to help others to access their authentic selves through a combination of these practices.

Workshop 1

Qoya (just for women) 

Movement with meaning: by moving our bodies with intention, we are able to discover that our essence is wise, wild and free! Qoya draws on the wisdom of yoga, the wildness of free dance and the freedom of feminine movement. There is no way you can do Qoya wrong and the way you know you’re doing it right is that it feels good. Each session has a different theme and is danced to a unique playlist. Come and experience this incredible practice and see what Qoya can do for you.

Workshop 2

Let Your Body Write 

A workshop combining movement and dance to music with writing prompts. Writing is not purely a mental activity, when we write from an embodied place, we can connect to the truth of ourselves and allow the words to flow from within. Let your body be your guide as you move off the mat and onto the page. (You are welcome to bring your own journal, but pens and paper will be provided).

Contact Info


Insta: @victoriasmisekretreats